Equinox Gallery, 2024

In creating this exhibition, my studio became a hall of mirrors. I increasingly paint in series, where five or six canvases are being worked on simultaneously, almost as if one continuous piece, creating a dialogue and flow between canvases that might ultimately be separate works. Finished pieces are removed from my working wall and become references for the next series, leaned and hung where there is space throughout the studio. As the process continues canvases are stacked and layered, photographs of details are printed and laid on the floor to become collages, and eventually the entire space feels like an echo chamber
— Excerpt from the Artist Statement

Echo Chamber #1, #2


Splitting the Gaze #1-6


You Can Sing Me Anything #1, #2


Falling One Cloud at a Time #1-3


Beautiful Melodies Telling Me Terrible Things #3, #4


A Window or a Mirror #2

Sleepy Golden Storm #2

Thankfully– and frustratingly– the mind is a fickle translator; try as I might to recreate the successes of a preceding piece, recapture that perfect brushstroke or the way one color bled into the next, attempts at replication are inevitably warped and refracted. The result is a room of imperfect reflections, where some elements have been carried through and others captured only the once.
— Excerpt from the Artist Statement

Capricious Translator #1-6

At times art reflects back to us our sentiments towards it, acting as a vessel for the thoughts and feelings of the viewer. When we think of paintings in this way– as mirrors– the role of the viewer becomes central, but there is also an arrogance inherently linked to the myth of the mirror. In it we impart meaning onto, but we can also absorb from, using a piece of art as an invitation into the mind of the artist, or simply to enter a world outside our own: a window. A window is multidimensional, there is a ghost of a reflection but mostly you see what is beyond, you are invited to imagine, and there is a reckoning between the viewer and the artist.
— Excerpt from the Artist Statement

Hall of Mirrors #3, Diptych