Caldwell Snyder Gallery, 2024

We Are Temporary #1-4

Two themes run parallel throughout this exhibition, reflected in the titles of several of the works: “Beyond the Boundaries of Right and Wrong” and “Time Flows Through Narrow Spaces”. The first invites the viewer to collaborate on an intellectual plane where there is no innate correctness, and the second hints at the transient nature of shared moments briefly caught within a painting
— Excerpt from the Artist Statement


An Imperfect Offering #3

Beyond the Boundaries of Right and Wrong” is derived from a quote attributed to 13th-century poet Rumi, “Beyond the ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing, there is a field, I will meet you there”. As someone in the business of making, viewing and discussing art, this idea of a shared space where people can meet on common ground resonated. While art is not always neutral or harmonious, it does in its nature invite interpretation, making it an arena where differing ideas can come together, and intellect can grow. As my work moves further and further into abstraction I feel this notion of moving past right and wrong becomes increasingly relevant, giving the viewer license to interpret my work, and thus share in the meaning-making of the art.
— Excerpt from the Artist Statement

Winged Victory #1, #7


No Love No Glory #1, #2

The second stream that meanders through this exhibit is my imagined imagery of time flowing through narrow spaces, where my encounter with the viewer is temporal, yet in many ways the very point of creating art. Thinking of time as a river, you get the feeling that it stretches and compresses, the currents swirling, rushing or stagnating; sometimes highlighting a moment of importance or attention, sometimes roaring right past in excitement or stress. There is the volatility of time during the act of creation, but more significantly the compressing of the moment where someone views the work; that instant where an impression is made, and ideas are formed.
— Excerpt from the Artist Statement

Beauty as a Means of Survival #1, Diptych


Beauty as a Means of Survival #2, #3